Monday, September 12, 2011

South Woodlot

This is definitely just a WIP and I intend to finish it today. I spent about 2 1/2 hours yesterday ( 11 Sept 11 ) in our woodlot where we gather our firewood. It's located two miles south of our home. The setting is strewn with downed trees as well as new growth in all sizes and shapes. The huge fallen cottonwoods have accumulated over may years but they're too large to handle for firewood use unless heavy equipment could be used. We don't have that ! This is 9x12 oil on canvas board. Palette; CYL, CYD, CRL, ALIZ, ULT and Permalba White. Dan

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Sodbuster Barn

I've recently begun working more with gouache
in order to be more familiar with its properties
for winter studio work. There are many similarities
to oil but the quick drying time takes some time to
get accustomed to, I think. This decaying barn
was located just a bit north of the South Dakota
northern border into North Dakota. It's near the
site of a semi-annual Sodbuster Festival where
out-dated farming methods are displayed. Most
work is done using real horse power! Since I
painted this scene, the building was razed and
burned. That has become almost a pattern in
my quest for the old and worn. Churches and
farmstead buildings have disappeared in the
wake of being recorded on canvas. There is a
sadness in it but no solution. Only to keep
at whatever subjects appeal to us and they do
seem to have much appeal to landscape painters

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

September 2011

Time just plain gets away from us. Blogging takes time!.......for sure.......and it's time we ought to spend standing before our easels. BUT.........since we do find that following the blogs of others can be of help and inspiration we do hope to get back into some regular additions. As our winter approaches we also have determined to produce some plein air oil sketches to use as reference after the cold chases us indoors. We hope our followers haven't completely abandoned us. Stay tuned. Dan and Judith